I've always thought that as a DM, you should try to stay well away from random encounters or at least re-jig the tables to suit your purposes. Otherwise you end up with all sorts of weird monsters cropping up where they shouldn't really be. But that's just my 2 CP worth. Hill's Edge charges a minimal gate tax of 1 sp per wagon, cart, or pack animal entering the town. This is the towns only tax, and it took the Trader's Council two years to approve that! Mayor's Tower. The best source of 3.0/3.5 FR encounters is the FR 'Dungeon Masters Screen' It really describe all the regions of Faerun and what you will encounter there, including Dungeon Level tables.

Other Treats. 1 4 times 2 web pages poster¹. 8 Creature Compendium Web pages. Aballin. Baneguard. Bonébat.

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Quaggóth. Skum. Tressym. 6 Credit card Linens with emblems and glyphs:. Badges and Layers of Arms of metropolitan areas and essential groups. Folk Runes.

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